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Local Outreach


In addition to our partnership with CityJoy, Bethlehem organizes several outreach initiatives in the city. We aim for the Bethlehem family to grow in love for unbelieving neighbors, friends, and family and in competency to communicate the gospel.

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Deacon Teams

According to Bethlehem’s constitution, the Deacon Ministry exists to “advise and be ready to assist the Elders in any service that shall support and promote the ministry of the Word, [the] ministries of the Church, and the care for the members of the congregation.”

To view our list of deacons, please visit our Staff page.

To Volunteer

There are several ways that Bethlehem members can serve one another and our community, alongside the Deacons. Please see the Opportunities page.

Practical Help

Deacons and screened volunteers actively reach out to widows, single moms, and others in need of practical help with handyman projects, outdoor maintenance, and car repairs.

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Mercy & Service

Gardens of Praise
A ministry of CityJoy, Gardens of Praise is an urban gardening ministry designed to connect urban neighbors with our Creator Jesus Christ and to increase their knowledge about growing food in the inner city. Contact: Laurie McRostie (612-201-5252)

Jericho Road Ministries
A ministry of CityJoy, Jericho Road Ministries provides individuals and families with prayer support, direct-aid relief, advocacy, referral, and guidance. We seek to empower individuals and families to move beyond crisis toward financial stability and pursue emotional, personal, and spiritual health. Contact: Jeff Noyed (612-423-7731)

Cross-Cultural Ministries

All Nations ESL: English Conversation Classes
Every Wednesday, students and tutors discuss together a conversation topic such as American holidays, cultures and customs, work and employment, music, and many other common topics. Students can contact Sarah Ferreira at [email protected] for more information and to sign up. Volunteers can sign up here.

Maajiigin Native American Ministries
A ministry of CityJoy, this program mobilizes the church to bless our Native American neighbors in the context of redemptive relationships. Contact: Greg Mott (612-548-4734)

Bethlehem Somali Ministry Network
Gather monthly for prayer and cultural coaching as you seek to build relationships with Somali neighbors, coworkers, and friends. Learn more on our Events page.

Sanctity of Life

God is sovereign over the womb. That has been Bethlehem’s message since the church began actively advocating for the preborn in the 1980s.

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.—Psalm 139:13–14

Together we seek to honor the Lord’s gift of life at all stages, from the preborn to the vulnerable elderly. The Sanctity of Life Ministry helps Bethlehem put Scriptural convictions into action. 

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Contact Us

Thomas Florestano (612-338-7653 x490)
Ministry Assistant for Wednesday Programming and Local Outreach