July 30, 2018
All-Church Quarterly Strategy Meeting (July 29, 2018)
Meeting Highlights ...
- Devotional from Pastor Jason Meyer
- Membership Report
- Church Discipline Matter
- Motions to Call Leaders and Approve Position Changes
- Treasurer’s Report
- “Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25” Updates
- New Business
Pastor Jason shared a devotional from Philippians 2:25–30, reminding the members to dwell in unity by having the mind of Christ.
- Paul modeled the mind of Christ by sending Epaphroditus back to the Philippians.
- Epaphroditus modeled the mind of Christ by risking his life to minister to Paul.
- Jesus not only risked his life, but gave it as a sacrifice.
- Look to those who model the mind of Christ and rejoice in it.
Membership Report
At the end of the meeting, Bethlehem membership stood at 2,692.
Church Discipline Matter
The elders presented a matter of church discipline.
Motions to Call Leaders
- The members called Dave Zuleger as Lead Pastor, South Campus.
- The members called Tim Fredin as a Deacon at the South Campus.
- The members approved a position change for Chuck Steddom to serve as Pastor for Worship & Ministry Development, South Campus.
Bethlehem elders with Dave & Kelly Zuleger, Tim Fredin, and Chuck Steddom
Treasurer’s Report
Adam Sexton delivered the Treasurer’s Report to the assembly.
One Fund giving was $2.39M
- Down $178K when compared to Q2 2017 giving
Spending was $2.64M
- Up $135K when compared to Q2 2017 giving
- $132K below Q2 2018 budget
Spending exceeded giving by $251K
- In Q2 2017 giving exceeded spending by $62K
- While we have seen increased giving over the past year and a half of “Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25,” recent trends are not as strong.
- Expenses continue to be below budget, but are increasing over prior years as more is spent on “Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25” priorities.
- Prayers
- Thanksgiving to God for meeting our financial needs as a congregation.
- Ask God for continued strong giving to support the five “Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25” priorities.
“Fill These Cities: 25 x ’25” Update
Unengaged People Groups
Pastor Jason Meyer shared about the encouraging response to his message on engaging unengaged people groups with the gospel at a recent Converge conference.
Church Planting
Pastor Kenny Stokes gave an update on Church Planting.
- Eight students completed “Cross Cultural Church Planting” (June of 2018)
- Public Launch of Table Rock, Boise, Idaho: September 9, 2018
- Current Church Planting Resident: Tyler Mykkanen
- Pray for applicants to the Church Planting residency
- Southern MN TCT Churches Corporate Night of Worship on August 22.
- Church Plants
- Word of Grace Baptist, Minneapolis—2016 (Paul Przybylowski). Dissolved.
- Northfield Community, Northfield—2016 (Jonathon Woodyard)
- Redemption City, Rochester—2017 (Adam Pohlman)
- Table Rock, Boise—2017 (Ryan Eagy)
- Future: Ekklesia Eau Claire, WI (Dan Shambro)
- Future: New Creation, Granville, NY (Joel Aubrey)
- Future: Grace Upon Grace, Weston, FL (Michel Galeano)
- Future: Little Earth, Minneapolis (Greg Mott, TJ Valtierra, Aaron Kalenze beginning Bethlehem College for 2018)
- Future: Dieudonné and Dominique Tamfu are heading to Yaoundé, Cameroon to take the initial steps toward planting a new French speaking church and start an extension of Bethlehem College and Seminary.
South Campus Building
Pastor Chuck Steddom shared an update about the most recent developments with South Campus construction. The first Sunday at the new building should be September 30.
New Business
A member expressed concern to the elders about the sense of abrupt change with the transition of service times at the Downtown Campus (coming September 9, 2018).
Thanks to Church Clerks Jacob Smith and Ben Holvey for their assistance in preparing this update.