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We praise God for the gift of students and prioritize their care and discipleship. Our goal is for youth at Bethlehem (grades 6–12) to surpass us in faith, knowledge, righteousness, fruitfulness, evangelistic zeal, and commitment to the spread of the gospel around the world. We do so by coming alongside parents to nurture the faith of their children by learning from God’s Word, building relationships with one another, and connecting to the local church through Sunday School classes, Wednesdays Together gatherings, special activities, and events.

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SundayYouth on Sunday

Our Sunday School program is designed to complement the congregational worship, supporting and expanding our church services without replacing them. Students separate into two groups (grades 6–8 and 9–12) for age-appropriate activities, lessons, and small group discussions.

WednesdayYouth on Wednesday

Our Wednesday night program is designed to reinforce the congregational worship service without replacing it. Our aim is to foster in the hearts of our students a love for the things of God and his Church by presenting these things in a style that suits their age. This means we hear messages tailored to students, engage in small groups with peers and leaders, and enjoy one another’s fellowship over games and activities. As we strive to know and love the students, our message remains consistent: know Christ and become mature in him.

Camps & RetreatsYouth Camps & Retreats

In addition to our frequent events, we have several annual camps and retreats. Our Fall Retreat is a day away for students to go deeper in relationship with the Lord and one another. Our Winter Retreat is an opportunity for students to get out of the city, draw near to God, and enjoy winter fun together. Our Summer Camp is a weeklong opportunity for students entering grades 6–9 to grow in their relationship with God and experience adventure together. 

Contact Us

Andrea Tjarks (612-338-7653 x444)  
Administrative Assistant for Adult Discipleship