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Weddings & Funerals

Weddings Funerals


Weddings at Bethlehem

If you are interested in hosting your wedding and/or reception at Bethlehem, please submit a Wedding Request Form. At a minimum, we require that:

  • Couples work with a Bethlehem elder to oversee the wedding process.
  • A Bethlehem elder or Bethlehem-approved officiant performs the wedding.
  • Either the bride or groom is part of the Bethlehem family.
  • Couples complete premarital counseling, either through a Bethlehem elder or Bethlehem-approved minister.

For additional information about our Wedding Policies and Wedding Rates, please email .


If you would like to host a funeral at Bethlehem, ask a Bethlehem elder to perform a funeral, or have your loss communicated to the church, please email .

As a kindness to grieving families, we not charge a rental fee for funerals held in honor of Bethlehem members or their immediate family.