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Weekend of June 2, 2024

The Fear-Expelling Power of Fearing and Trusting the Lord

  • Matt Moore
  • The Gospel of Luke
  • Luke 12:1-12

Weekend of May 26, 2024

Woe To You, Pharisees and Lawyers

  • Matt Moore
  • The Gospel of Luke
  • Luke 11:37-54

Weekend of March 10, 2024

The Most Important Work in the World

  • Matt Moore
  • The Gospel of Luke
  • Luke 10:1-16

Weekend of January 14, 2024

What is Man?

  • Matt Moore
  • Genesis 1-3
  • Genesis 1:26-28

Weekend of October 1, 2023

‘Where Is Your Faith?’

  • Matt Moore
  • The Gospel of Luke
  • Luke 8:22-25