Church planting and church revitalization are some of Bethlehem’s key outreach strategies. We aim to plant healthy, independent, God-centered churches that are a seedbed for spreading our vision. We have a vision for church plants that …
Our residency is a one-year, full-time experience on one of our three Bethlehem Baptist Church campuses in the Twin Cities. Each resident will be part of a campus pastoral team through which his gifts can be utilized, including pastoral care, teaching, and preaching. Bethlehem Baptist will provide the resident an annual stipend of $25,000. Each resident is required to raise at least an additional $30,000 more for a total residency salary package approved by our Human Resources team. Fill out this form to apply for the one-year Church Planting Residency. The Jumpstart Program is designed to assist plateaued or declining churches. We provide the church with a qualified new pastor; ongoing training, supervision, and accountability and shepherding through a process of establishing a revitalized vision and strategy to return to fruitful ministry. Our church plants have no organizational tie to Bethlehem, but they do meet regularly in the Treasuring Christ Together Network for mutual encouragement. They voluntarily affiliate with groups such as Converge Worldwide, the Southern Baptist Convention, and the Acts 29 Network.Church Planting Residency
Revitalization: Jumpstart
Treasuring Christ Together Network