By God’s grace, I delight in God, and as a pastor at Bethlehem I rejoice in the ministry he has given me, and in that joy I aim to ...
- Seek to be a man of the Word and prayer, zealous to continue growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, cultivating an attitude of humility and utter dependence upon the Lord.
- Live a godly life in private and public, faithful to my calling as a minister of the gospel and as a covenant member of Bethlehem.
- Be a model of good management and spiritual leadership in my home. I will love and serve my wife as Christ loves and serves the Church, and in partnership with her, seek to bring my children up to love God with all their hearts.
- Live a modest lifestyle, free from burdensome debt and within the limits of my income. I will apply the highest ethical standards, namely God's standards, in all my business dealings.
- Live a life free from any form of sexual immorality in mind or act with no questionable connections or relationships, taking whatever steps necessary to avoid even the appearance of evil and any situation that might dishonor the Name I bear as a Christian, and the integrity of the office I hold as a minister of the gospel.
- Work in harmony with other staff and church leadership to preserve unity in the body of Christ, striving to be a continual source of encouragement with an attitude of honesty, openness, support, and cooperation.
- Maintain strict confidentiality when handling counseling and discipline cases. I will only share information learned in these private interviews when it is deemed necessary for the physical or spiritual welfare of another.
- Embrace as true and precious the summary of Biblical teaching found in the Bethlehem Elder Affirmation of Faith.
Now unto him who is able to keep me from falling and to present me faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.