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Laurie McRostie


Deacon Candidate Laurie McRostie

  1.  Share your testimony. How did God draw you to faith in Christ?
    For 52 years I lived a life that was good by earthly standards but full of denial of who God is and what he wanted me to do. My life was empty of real meaning, supported emotionally by an addiction to marijuana and New Age philosophy. Circumstances led me to a good man who shared Jesus and turned me onto God’s word. My first Bible experience was reading the Gospel of John over a weekend while getting high the entire time. God’s word changed me. I woke that Monday morning with an addiction that had been removed and a great desire to know more about what had happened to me. Christ captured me with prayer with this friend and God’s word. Coming to Bethlehem was the first step on my journey to understanding sin, faith, the power of serving others, and the love of Jesus. I just love how God seemed to say, “Okay Laurie, your other life is over—time for a change toward me.”
  2. Why do you want to be a deacon?
    Serving both our church family and reaching out to our neighbors is currently my life’s work and a blessing to me. I have learned to listen, to be compassionate, and to pray and to discern needs and when physical needs must be met. Becoming a deacon at Bethlehem would allow me to continue to serve in capacities that I am already serving in and open doors for more opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
  3. Are you currently serving Bethlehem Baptist Church in a ministry area? 
    I have served at Bethlehem in a number of ways. Coming alongside hurting people and ministering to hearts that are hurting has been the core of my serving. I was a women’s small group leader for nine years. About four years ago, I began to serve with the Helping Hand ministry as an intake volunteer. I also work with Jericho Road both as part-time staff and as a volunteer.