October 26, 2017
Smart Money
I’ve asked Dan Lehn, chair of Bethlehem’s Financial & Property Administrators (FPA) team, to give a personal invitation for Bethlehem members and regular attendees to consider coming to the free Dave Ramsey “Smart Money” event on November 7. Dan will facilitate the North Campus gathering.
I really like to talk to people about money.
Over the past 10 years or so I’ve sat down with many individuals and couples just like you to discuss their financial situation. Some of us were trained well by our parents in how to handle money, but frankly most of us were not—including me—and so we have a lot to learn. What makes our discussions especially meaningful is that the Bible has really good advice on how to manage money, how to be wise, and how to experience peace in our financial lives. Yet having that peace, and being able to afford our lives, is elusive for many. Doesn’t this seem odd, being that we live in the wealthiest country in the history of the world?
The elders, pastors, and deacons at Bethlehem desire to be an asset to the congregation in all areas, and that includes a desire for each person to have organization and peace in finances—not just so that you can give to church. Giving might be a by-product of wise financial management, but many other areas of life are involved in Jesus’ teaching about money. The wise stewards Jesus spoke of managed resources well to create a return and please their Master. Having margin in our finances not only allows more generosity, it also gives us peace, because we are not stressed about how we are going to get by. Then more of our emotional resources can be spent on the needs of others, rather than on personal financial troubles.
To that end, we plan to offer opportunities for financial training and growth. On November 7, 7–10pm, at the North and South campuses, we are hosting a simulcast of Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money presentation, which gives an overview of the course known as Financial Peace University. The live stream event is free, but please sign up if you plan to attend.
Following this event, Bethlehem plans to host the 10-week course that will be highlighted during the live stream. Watch the Weekly e-newsletter for details on this class after January 1. And please register if you plan to attend on November 7.