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Bethlehem Blogs

April 20, 2018

Sermon Discussion Questions: He Has Done All Things Well

Jason Meyer

Pastor for Preaching & Vision

The following outline and discussion questions have been prepared to accompany the sermon on April 21/22, “He Has Done All Things Well” (Mark 7:31–37). The questions can be used for discussion in small groups or for personal reflection.


  1. The Need (Mark 7:31–32)
  2. The Healing (Mark 7:33–34)
  3. The Response (Mark 7:35–37)

Main Point: Jesus does all things well because he is God.

Discussion Questions

  • In verse 31, why does Mark make such a strange point about the geographical semi-circle route that Jesus took? In verse 32, why does Mark use such a rare word for the mute man? In other words, does Isaiah have something to say about these things?
  • What stands out about the way Jesus interacts with the deaf and mute man immediately prior to his healing?
  • In verse 37, what is the significance of the crowd saying, “He has done all things well”? Why are they saying more than they know? What is the full significance of this saying?

Application Questions

  • How are you currently living a drama of need? Do you see your need to bring all your needs to Jesus? What would doing that look like today?
  • Do you hear the call to become like Jesus as his disciple? If you were to become more like what you see of Jesus in this story, what would that look like? Give some practical steps for the outworking of this obedience.

Prayer Focus
Pray for a grace to bring your need to Jesus and a grace to become like Jesus, who is a fountain of mercy and love.