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Bethlehem Blogs

June 18, 2019

Greetings From Camp Shetek!

Amanda Knoke

Director for Communications

A guest post from Assistant Counselor Katia Brink ...

We are now a few days into our jam-packed week at Jr High Summer Camp and wanted to update you all on how your kids are doing.

We arrived safely at camp early Sunday evening in time for a picnic-style dinner. After dinner, we jumped right into the fun activities for the week. Students were divided up into four teams that will compete throughout the week. Our camp theme is “Ancient Egypt,” based on our spiritual focus on the life of Joseph. The teams represent four Egyptian professions: the Captains, the Stewards, the Magicians, and the Spies. The four teams kicked off the competition by creating team cheers and flags. We ended the night with a classic game—Capture the Flag.

Each evening at camp, we have a session comprised of worship with Daniel Simmons & his band and teaching from the Word. This week, Pastor Ben Katterson is our speaker, presenting the story of the life of Joseph. Throughout his messages, Ben has highlighted Gods sovereignty throughout the trials Joseph faced. The godly character of Joseph is only a reflection of the perfect Savior who was to come.

We woke up Monday to an overcast and drizzly morning. Right away in the morning students are encouraged to dive into the Bible in their devotions while enjoying a donut. As campers grabbed their donuts, Pastor Richie Stark exclaimed, Feast on a donut and feast on the Word! After devos, students returned to their cabins for Cabin Clean-Up. Cabins are rewarded points for their team based on team spirit, cleanliness, and creativity present in their cabins. After eating a pancake breakfast, the teams competed in a game of Live Tic-Tac-Toe.

After this, the camp gathers for the morning session. After worshiping together, the girls and guys separate for gender-specific teaching. This week, Pastor Richie is teaching the guys and Ruth Winslow, a Bethlehem College & Seminary graduate, is teaching the girls. After learning more about the life of Joseph and his suffering, cabin groups split up for small group time.

Mondays lunch was spaghetti, salad, and fresh French bread. Lunch is followed by cabin time when campers hang out together, study Bible verses, and rest. All afternoon is free time for the campers to choose various activities, including the craft shack, snack shack, gaga ball, nine square, and various group games. Though the waterfront was closed due to inclement weather, our prayers for sunshine were answered, and we were able to enjoy the whole afternoon outside.

Monday evening we played another classic Camp Shetek game: Safari Adventure. Staff and counselors dressed up as animals that the campers had to catch in order to earn grain or points for their teams. After this activity, we gathered once again for an evening session and Ben presented the Word from the book of Genesis. We learned about Josephs temptations throughout his life in Egypt. Ben challenged us to consistently resist temptation and sin in our daily lives in order to prepare for the bigger tests of life. God is on the move here at camp, and we pray that he continues to work through the messages and worship.

We capped off Monday night with an all-time favorite game, Smugglers Run. Students were on a mission to travel stealthily across camp to compile “grain” without being caught by their counselors. After a tiring, busy day, we hope campers will sleep well.

As the week progresses, we would greatly appreciate your prayers. Please pray for overall health and safety for our campers and staff. Pray that God would begin to work in students hearts to soften them to the Holy Spirit. Pray against distractions and temptations that may hinder campers from running to Christ. And finally, please pray that God would be glorified in all we say and do during this remaining time at camp.

Photo courtesy of Amanda Buck